Soft Cheese with Melanzani Cream on Polenta

Cut the melanzani several times, drizzle with a little olive oil and season with salt. Roast in the oven at 160 °C for about 30 minutes. Then remove the flesh from the skin and season with lemon juice, chopped basil, passata, salt, pepper and olive oil. For the polenta, bring the vegetable soup and olive … Read more

Broccoli Cream Soup Au Gratin

Heat oil in a saucepan. Add finely diced shallot and crushed garlic clove and sauté until translucent. Extinguish with white wine and add vegetable soup. Add creamed broccoli. Stew gently for 10 min and blend with a hand blender. Pass through a fine sieve and season to taste. In the meantime, heat the rest of … Read more

Goulash Skewers

Cut meat into cubes and season. Halve peppers, remove seeds, cut into wide strips. Thread meat, peppers and bacon slices alternately onto skewers. Sauté onion in butter until soft, cool. Mix cream cheese, cream and onion well, season with salt, cumin, paprika and pepper and add vodka. Roast the skewers on the broiler on both … Read more

Chicken Breasts with Carrots and Pineapple Curry Sauce

Slice the chicken breasts horizontally so that they still hold together in any case. Spread the lower inner surface with 1 tablespoon of Mostarda Purée Pineapple Curry and top each with 2-3 basil leaves. Fold back together and secure with 2 wooden sticks each, if desired. Peel the carrots and cut into small sticks, sauté … Read more

Chocolate Almond Pudding

For the chocolate-almond pudding, cream butter, sugar and egg yolks. Add the breadcrumbs, cocoa, almond kernels and the chocolate. Beat the egg whites until firm and fold into the mixture. Pour the mixture into a greased mold. Cook covered at 600 watts for 7 to 8 minutes.

Greek Salad

Peel the tomatoes, remove the seeds and cut into small rectangles. Dice the feta cheese and put it in a large enough bowl. Add olive oil, chopped tomatoes, parsley, tarragon and garlic. Dress with chili and rosemary sprig.

Crêpes with Cream Cheese

Pasta dishes are always a good idea! Cook portions of wafer-thin crêpes from the crêpe batter in the hot lard and keep warm in the heated oven at 50 degrees (gas mark 1). Mix cream cheese and whipped cream. Finely dice ham, chop kitchen herbs. Stir both into the cheese cream and season with sprinkle … Read more

Corn Gratin with Mushrooms

Cook the corn kernels in not too much salted water for ten to twelve minutes. Drain. Clean the mushrooms dry and cut them into slices. Chop the onion and garlic. Sauté in the warm butter. Increase the temperature and add the mushrooms. Turn and sauté for five minutes until soft. If the mushrooms draw juice, … Read more

Parmesan Soup

Sauté the potatoes, onion and garlic in olive oil and add milk and clear soup. Add the crumbled Parmesan cheese to the soup and let it simmer. Add the rosemary finely chopped. Blend everything with a hand blender and season with salt, pepper and grated Parmesan.