Alpine Butter Cake

Rating: 3.6667 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)


Cream filling:


Yolks are mixed with sugar and juice of one lemon until creamy and mixed with the stiff beaten egg whites and flour. The mixture is baked in a greased and floured cake pan at a moderate temperature. When the cake has cooled, it is cut twice, filled with the following cream and covered with coffee icing or other icing.

Cream filling:

Whip the cream and yolks over steam until thick, and when cool, mix to a drift of butter and vanilla sugar. Instead of whipped cream, milk or coffee cream can also be used.

Cheaper cream filling:

15 grams of flour are boiled in one eighth of a liter of milk and left to cool.

To this add 100 grams of creamed butter, 2 yolks and vanilla sugar mixed as desired. (It is also possible to add the yolks to the flour while it is still warm, but to add the butter, sugar and vanilla after it has cooled down. )

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