Bulgur, Boulghour, Bulghur, Burghul – UE1

Rating: 2.6667 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (Portionen)



Bulgur is used to prepare an oriental filling made from peeled, cooked and shredded wheat grains. For the preparation of the “raw” bulgur, the peeled wheat grains are cooked until they burst. After draining, they are spread out in the sun to dry and then ground: Bulgur is offered in three grain sizes: coarse – for e.g. Kibbeh, Kobeiba, Kibba (Lebanon, Syria) – medium and fine for e.g. Tabbouleh.

Bulgur comes ready prepared in a dried state and is often prepared with minced mutton and vegetables. A very famous preparation is tabbouleh (tabooleh, tabouleh, tabooly), an Arabic-Lebanese leaf salad in which the bulgur is mixed with onion, tomato, parsley and mint – all finely chopped and marinated in olive oil and juice of a lemon.

>Bulgur Boulghour Bulghur Burghul, Arabic

>Bulkar, Arabic

>Pourgouri, Greek

>Bulgar, Turkish


Birrel, Aramaic (Turoyo)

>Bulgur is offered in three grain sizes: coarse – for for example

>example Kibbeh, Kobeiba, Kibba (Lebanon, Syria) – medium

>and fine – for e.g. Tabbouleh.

>A very well known preparation is Tabbouleh (Tabouleh,

>Tabooleh, Tabooly), an Arabic-Lebanese leaf salad, in which

>in which the bulgur is mixed with parsley, onion, tomato and >peppermint.

peppermint – all finely chopped – and marinated in olive oil >and the juice of a lemon.

>and juice of a lemon.

Yes, to me from the Syriac-Aramaic cuisine as “tabul

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