Carpaccio of Wine Cheese in Grape Mustard Marinade

Rating: 2.3333 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Scrape the red smear from the wine cheese well with a kitchen knife, cut cheese into narrow slices. Clean grapes, cut in half, remove seeds. Clean and cut off the chives and parsley. Mix well white wine vinegar, mustard, honey, apple juice, rapeseed oil.

Season with salt and pepper. Add chives, parsley and grapes. Peel onions, cut into rings. Mix balsamic vinegar with a little honey. Bake ciabatta until crisp, cut into slices.

Place cheese slices on flat plate all around, cover with marinade. Sprinkle green peppercorns on top, place onion rings on top, drizzle with balsamic vinegar-honey on outside and on top.


Garnish with raspberry sprig and place slices of bread on top.

Approximate value per person:

534 Kcal – 33 g fat – 27 g egg white – 23 g carbohydrates – 2 Be (bread units).

Our tip: If you like to cook with fresh herbs, it is best to get kitchen herbs in pots – so you always have everything ready!

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