Cheesecake Brownies

Rating: 3.283 / 5.00 (53 Votes)

Total time: 30 min



For the cheesecake brownies, first coarsely chop the chocolate and melt together with 10 dag butter in a water bath, stirring occasionally. Allow to cool.

Then beat 3 eggs, 12 dag sugar, 1 package vanilla sugar and a pinch of salt with a hand mixer until well blended. Sift the flour over it and fold it in carefully.

Stir in the lukewarm chocolate mixture and the walnuts.

Preheat the oven to 170 °C.

For the curd mixture, beat the curd with 5 dag butter (hand mixer). Then stir in the yolks and one whole egg, the remaining sugar, the cornstarch and a packet of vanilla sugar.

Grease a small square baking dish (about 30 cm) and spread half of the batter into the dish.

Pour the curd mixture on top and spoon the rest of the dough on top with a teaspoon.

Then bake in a heated oven at 170 °C on the middle shelf for 35 minutes (convection oven 150 °C).

After cooling, cut the cheesecake brownies into small rectangles or squares.

Preparation Tip:

Don't bake your cheesecake brownies too long, they are really good when they are still a little moist inside.

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