Chicken Sesame Bagel with McCain 1.2.3 Frites Hot&Spicy

Rating: 3.7698 / 5.00 (139 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



For the chicken sesame bagel, finely plate the chicken breast with a carving hammer, then season with salt and pepper. Place the flour, beaten egg and breadcrumbs in a bowl each and bread the chicken breast. Cut the bagel in half and toast until crispy.

For the tartar sauce, finely chop capers, pickles and parsley and mix with mayonnaise. Season with salt, pepper and a little pickle vinegar.Fry chicken fillet and chicken wings crispy in clarified butter. Deep fry “McCain 1.2.3 Fries Hot & Spicy” until crispy.

Spread tartar sauce on bagel base, top with freshly washed lettuce as well as the baked chicken cutlet. Serve chicken sesame bagel, chicken wings and fries each in an extra small bowl.

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