Cocoa Cake with Mascarino Cream

Rating: 3.7568 / 5.00 (74 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Cocoa cake:



For the cocoa cake with mascarino cream, brush a terrine mold with KRONENÖL SPEZIAL with fine butter flavor and sprinkle with flour. Preheat oven to 160°C (top and bottom heat).Sift flour, baking powder and cocoa. Beat eggs, powdered sugar, salt and vanilla sugar until well frothy (min. 10 min.). Slowly add KRONENÖL SPEZIAL with fine butter flavor while stirring constantly and continue beating for about 1 minute. Fold flour mixture and sour cherry juice alternately into the mixture. Pour into the terrine mold, smooth out (3/4 full) and bake in the oven on the middle shelf for approx. 50 minutes. Allow to cool in the mold for 10 minutes and turn out of the mold. When the mixture has cooled, cut the cake horizontally twice. For the cream, whip the whipped cream and chill. Soak gelatine in cold water. Mix mascarino, powdered sugar and lemon juice until smooth. Squeeze gelatine well, warm orange liqueur slightly, dissolve gelatine warmly in it and add to mascarino cream. Fold in whipped cream and spread the finished cream on the cocoa strips to a thickness of approx. 3 mm. Reassemble the cocoa strips and spread the rest of the cream around them in a slightly wavy pattern. Chill the cocoa cake with mascarino cream for 1 hour.

Preparation Tip:

The cocoa cake with mascarino cream fits wonderfully as an afternoon snack.

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