Green Asparagus Seed Oil Cream with Raw Ham

Rating: 4.1333 / 5.00 (30 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For the salad marinade:


For the green asparagus seed oil cream with raw ham, wash and peel asparagus.

Slice 6 pieces of asparagus very thinly lengthwise and place closely next to each other on a sheet of cling film.

Carefully cut out circles with a cookie cutter (9 cm diameter) and cover them with a damp cloth.

Quickly boil the remaining asparagus in a little salted water (covered) until soft, rinse and finely puree.

Blend in pumpkin seed oil, Tabasco and salt, then finely strain and chill.

Wash lentils, blanch briefly in salted water, rinse and marinate.

Using the same cookie cutter, spread the asparagus cream about 6 mm high on cold plates in the center.

Now, using the cling film, place the asparagus circles on top and brush with marinade.

Fill the ham with sheep’s cream cheese, twist into rolls and place on top.

Garnish with marinated frisée salad and lentils and serve with toasted white bread.

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