Guacamole – Avocadosauce

Rating: 3.6154 / 5.00 (13 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Ingredients for four to six people:

Usually the ingredients for the guacamole – mole is the word for sauce in Mexico, by the way – are diced. If the avocado is very ripe and the tender flesh falls apart too easily, you can mix it quietly ditto with a fork to the cream.

Separate the avocados from the skin, remove the stone. It is better to dice the flesh accurately. In a baking dish, drizzle on the spot with juice of a lemon to keep it nice and bright green.

Grind salt, pepper and pimento seeds and, if only dried chilies are available, these too (deseeded to taste to soften the heat) in a mortar to a powder that is not too fine.

Pit fresh chilies, finely dice. Finely dice the shallots. Mix everything together, add ditto finely chopped coriander greens and season with the herb mixture.

Our tip: As an alternative to fresh herbs, you can also use frozen – these are also characterized by a fresh taste!

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