Layered Kitchen Herb From Udvarhely

Rating: 3.6667 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



The pork is ground, the onion is chopped and both are browned together in oil, then sprinkled with paprika. The smoked bacon is cut into thin slices, fried and for a short time ditto with the smoked sausage cut into slices together. If the sauerkraut is very sour, it is squeezed and washed, then put on to boil with some bones (you can use ditto stock cubes).

Grease a deep ovenproof dish and put the drained sauerkraut in it. The layer should be 3 to 4 cm thick. Put a layer of bacon slices and sausage on it, add garlic and thyme, cover with a thin layer of steamed long grain rice and put a layer of roasted meat on it. Continue in this order. The top layer is sauerkraut. You pour sour whipped cream over it and steam it in the oven at medium heat for about three quarters of an hour.

Our tip: Use a deliciously spicy bacon for a delicious touch!

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