Pea Risotto

Rating: 3.8835 / 5.00 (103 Votes)

Total time: 30 min



For the pea risotto, sauté the finely chopped shallots and finely diced pancetta in butter until translucent, then carefully fold in the well-washed rice and wait until it attracts the fat. Gradually pour in the soup, stirring the rice constantly, never letting it float in the liquid.

After about ten minutes, add the peas and finely chopped parsley. After about 18 minutes, the rice grains should have absorbed the liquid and still show a tiny white core in the rest of the grains, which have already become glazed.

Then refine the pea risotto with Parmesan cheese and a few flakes of butter, adding a little more salt if necessary.

Preparation Tip:

The pea risotto, like the risotto nero, is a "loan" of the Venetians to the north, from where the pea risotto as a side dish called "risipisi" has worked its way into the Viennese cuisine. Typically Venetian, however, is the custom of seasoning the risi e bisi not only with parsley, but also with fennel seeds or fennel leaves.

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