Plum Tart with Chocolate Topping

Rating: 2.8636 / 5.00 (22 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

For the dough:

For the chocolate topping:

For the plum topping:


For the plum tart with chocolate topping, heat the whipping cream for the chocolate topping, melt the chocolate in it and put it in the fridge.

The next day, beat the eggs with sugar and a little salt until very creamy and stable, almost stiff.

Mix flour, cornstarch, cocoa powder, baking powder, sift onto the whipped mass and fold in carefully. Then carefully fold in the oil as well.

Pour the batter into the prepared springform pan (26 cm) and bake at 170 °C for about 30 minutes.

Turn the cake out onto a kitchen towel while it is still warm and remove the baking pan. Then cover the cake with a kitchen towel and let it cool completely.

In the meantime, wash, stone and quarter the plums, and let them draw some juice sprinkled with the sugar.

Reserving some juice, boil the plums together with the Amaretto until soft. In the reserved juice (if necessary, add a little water) mix the cornstarch and thicken the plums with it, so that a firm mass like a pudding is formed and let it cool down.

Place the cake on a cake plate and surround it with a cake ring. Spread the plum mixture on the cake and chill again in the refrigerator.

Then take the chocolate whipped cream out of the refrigerator, whip it like normal whipped cream and spread it on the plum mixture.

Chill the plum cake with chocolate topping in the refrigerator.

Preparation Tip:

If you like, you can also whip another cup of whipped cream with a little cream stiffener and drizzle a garnish on the plum cake with chocolate cream.

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