Potato-Green Spelt Dumpling

Rating: 3.5955 / 5.00 (89 Votes)

Total time: 30 min



For the Erdäpfel-Grünkern-Wuzerl, boil the potatoes with the skin until soft. Let cool slightly, peel and press through the potato press on a large floured board.

Add the butter in flakes and work it in a little so that it melts. Mix in salt, nutmeg, chopped herbs, green spelt meal and the egg.

Add flour until you have a soft but not sticky dough. Depending on the type of potatoes, you may need more or less flour.

Form rolls of dough about 3 cm in diameter and cut out 1 cm wide dumplings with a dough card. Fry them slowly in butter, oil or clarified butter until golden brown.

Serve with salad or sauerkraut.

Preparation Tip:

The Erdäpfel-Grünkern-Wuzerl also taste very good as a side dish with meat.

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