Salad of Ham Noodles with Shiitake Mushrooms in Avocado …

Rating: 2.5714 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



Have fun preparing this mushroom dish!

Prepare egg noodles in light salted water to the point, drain and drain when cool. Cut ham into strips.

Rub shiitake well with kitchen paper, cut into coarse strips. Remove the core from the apple, clean, cut into quarters, finely slice. Cut out cherry tomatoes house, clean, quarter.

Cut chili pepper into rolls. Remove stem end from caper apple, cut into quarters. Rinse and drain leaf lettuce. Cut two corners from avocado for garnish. Remove the skin from the rest, remove the pit, cut into pieces and put in mineral water form. Add yogurt, white wine and juice of one lemon, mix well.

Heat a frying pan with a little bit of rapeseed oil, brown the shiitake. Add carrots and ham, extinguish with a little white wine. Add a little safflower oil and fruit vinegar, reduce briefly and bathe in it.

Then add to the pasta form. Add avocado dressing. Add cherry tomatoes, chili, apple, caper apples, season with salt and pepper. Mix everything well.


Place radicchio shells on flat plates and fill with pasta salad. Fill arugula salad in the middle, garnish with avocado wedge and mint.

517 Kcal – 27 g fat – 15 g egg white – 43 g carbohydrate – 3, 5 bread unit : O title : Leaf salad of ham noodles with shiitake mushrooms in : > avocado dressing

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