Steamed Chicken Leg on Parsnip Puree and Chico …

Rating: 2.75 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



Debone the chicken legs. To do this, push back the meat on the thigh bone and scrape with the kitchen knife in the direction of the joint, put the meat over the joint, help a little with the kitchen knife. Push back the meat on the bone as far as the ankle. Push the meat and skin back one more time. Use the back of the knife to tap the ankle so hard that the bone breaks. Hold ankle and pull out upper and lower leg bones.

Sauté carrot, celery and leek with half of the shallots in a frying pan with butter and season with salt and pepper.

Fill the chicken legs with the vegetables and close the opening with the wooden stick. Season the chicken legs with salt and pepper.

Sauté the remaining shallot cubes in a saucepan with butter, add the parsnips and chicken stock. Place the chicken legs on top and steam in the closed saucepan for about 20 minutes. Then remove the chicken legs and keep them warm. Bring the liquid in the saucepan to a near boil at a high temperature.

For the leaf salad, clean the chicory, cut into strips and place in a frying pan with hot olive oil form. Dust with powdered sugar and sweat briefly. Then remove and dress with a marinade of 2 tbsp vinegar, 4 tbsp olive oil, salt and pepper.

Put the parsnips through the liquid softener or possibly through a sieve. Season with nutmeg, salt and pepper.

Mix the chicken legs with the parsnip mixture.

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