Stuffed Quails with Mashed Potato Celery

Rating: 4.5 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 8.0 (servings)



Mashed celery:


Clean quail, trim wing tips and neck – season with salt and season with pepper. Dice goose liver and toast bread and fry both in olive oil in frying pans – the liver only briefly, the toast bread cubes should be crispy. Fillet oranges – grapes whole. Mix the stuffing ingredients – i.e. bread, oranges, grapes and liver – season with salt, pepper and thyme. Stuff the quails with it, then tie them. Put them in a pan or roasting tin, add a little water and put them in a hot oven at 180 degrees for 35 minutes.

Put red wine, port and vinegar in a bowl and boil for 1/3.

For the puree boil celeriac and potatoes in equal parts in salted water – then drain, rinse and whisk with butter and warmed milk to a light puree – with a whisk and masher.

Serve on top. A dollop of puree on the plate, quail on top, sauce on top, red wine on the table and off you go.

Our tip: Use high-quality red wine for a particularly fine taste!

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